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Michael Burns with his book

Michael Burns G’01, early learning principal for Questar III BOCES, made his debut as a children’s book author by tackling a topic common among today’s kids – anxiety. The picture book, published by Limmie Lit, tells the story of a young dinosaur who learns strategies to overcome his fear and worry. The book is available at Amazon and through Limmie Lit. The book is llustrated by Oleg Goncharov.

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Nervous Rex book cover with young green dinosaur looking through ferns

The inspiration for Burns’ book, as told to the Chatham Central School District, where he served as a middle school principal when the book was published:

“It is special to me because of that and because it focuses on students’ mental health. I have a three-book deal with my designer, editor, and illustrator so expect two more in the Rex series in the future. Never give up on your dreams, take time to relax and breathe!”