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Alonzo Gardner

Alonzo Gardner ‘20, a business administration major with a concentration in marketing, was a familiar face on campus. In addition to being involved in several clubs and organizations, Gardner used his work-study opportunity to assist the College’s marketing department with several projects (on and off screen) and took on the role of Orientation Leader to help incoming students acclimate to the College. Sometimes referred to as “Mr. Saint Rose,” in short, Gardner was a go-getter.

Today, Gardner has leveraged his go-getter attitude, and the education he received at the Huether School of Business, to start up a marketing and photography business: LonzoFlicks. We recently caught up with Gardner to learn more about his Saint Rose experience and future plans. Here is what he had to say:

What did you like best about your program?
I loved how the program allowed me to really explore the different avenues in the business world. Through this program, I was able to learn the different economics of business through management, team-building, and finance. 

The business program at Saint Rose really allowed me to create an effective business model and apply it in my real-world business LonzoFlicks.The professors in my program really respected my work ethic and always vowed to send me any opportunities that came my way. 

List any clubs/organizations you joined while at Saint Rose:

  • Black Student Union
  • Sabor Latino
  • ALANA Steppers
  • The Orientation Leadership Team
  • Academic Opportunity Experience  

What is your favorite memory of Saint Rose?
There are honestly too many to count, but a few experiences that are memorable to me include: working with the Marketing team here at Saint Rose and the Orientation Leadership Squad from 2018 to 2019 (shoutout to y’all), meeting the best dance partner ever in Sabor Latino (shoutout to her),  living in Alumni Hall with my boys, working with the ALANA team, and having my parents there with me for Move-In Day my freshman year (special shoutout to them).

What have you learned through the pandemic?
Never take life for granted! The people that are truly meant to be in your life will be in your life. Live life to the fullest and make the best out of any situation you’re in.

What was the best class you took at Saint Rose, and why?
The best class I had was African American History Since 1863. That class taught me so much about my lineage and all the prominent African American leaders during history. Dr. Risa Fausette, associate professor of history, put her heart and soul into teaching that class, and she really couldn’t have made the class any better.

How do you apply the skills and knowledge you gained as a business major to your current career?
When I started LonzoFlicks back in July 2020, I  took a lot of the valuable knowledge I got from reading the books and material from some of my classes. I did a lot of market research in figuring out who my target audience is and what my product is. In this instance, photography and providing premier social media marketing services are some of the products that I’m providing through my business. 

What did Saint Rose teach you?
Not everybody is your friend. People will do anything to see you fall. You have to keep your head up. No one is going to do the work for you, you have to set yourself apart from the rest. 

Who was your favorite professor, and why?
I met too many great professors at Saint Rose: Professor Fausette, Professor John Dion, Professor Mark Michalisin, Professor Liz Richards, and so many other great, memorable professors I had. Each of these professors took the time out of their schedules to really help me and pushed me to be a better student, a better overall person, and to never sell myself short.

Advice for incoming students:

  • Not everyone you come across is your friend.
  • Stay true to yourself and your values.
  • Don’t ever feel influenced to do something that goes against what you believe in.
  • Have fun, but be safe doing it.
  • Don’t let school drain all your energy out of you.
  • Take advantage of all the school’s resources.
  • Take advantage of all your local opportunities.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no.

Look for more stories about our Class of 2021 & Class of 2020 graduates in our upcoming Saint Rose magazine.

By Caroline Murray