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President Marcia White sent the following message to students today (April 7, 2022):

Dear students,

On April 6, a “Standing Silent Witness” event was held on campus in conjunction with local agencies to spread awareness about the serious issue of sexual assault and violence on college campuses. We have since learned that the presence of the event in the Events and Athletics Center (the rain location instead of the Campus Green) was triggering for some of our students. Footage of the event was shared by the Saint Rose Love Better and Saint Rose Student-Athlete Advisory Committee accounts on Instagram without a trigger warning. These posts have since been removed, as we don’t want to amplify the impact this may have had on some of our students.

We want to emphasize that your voices are heard, and appreciate the invaluable feedback we’ve received since yesterday’s event.

As we raise awareness around this topic, we want to reiterate that the College follows procedures outlined under Title IX and is not able to discuss active cases publicly, as doing so jeopardizes the process.

We have made reporting accessible in multiple ways for those who may have experienced sexual assault, violence, or harassment. There are several ways to report a Title IX incident, and they are outlined in the Title IX area of our website. Anyone with knowledge of an incident that falls under Title IX can and should utilize these reporting mechanisms. There are also a number of resources available for those who have experienced or witnessed sexual assault, stalking, or dating violence.

We know sometimes students are more comfortable seeking assistance off campus. In addition to on-campus resources, this resource list includes community agencies and local law enforcement agencies we have partnered with to provide education to the campus community, advocacy for victims of violence, and when possible, prosecution of perpetrators of violent crimes against others.


Marcia White
The College of Saint Rose