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Interim President Marcia White sent the following message to Saint Rose students and employees today, January 8, 2021:

Dear Students and Colleagues,

As I witnessed the scenes at the United States Capitol this week, I was horrified by the violence, terrorism, and utter disregard for our democracy that was on display to the world. Yet again we saw the reality of white nationalism and hatred that has persisted in our country since its beginnings.

Each day I pray that at Saint Rose, we stand on the foundation of values from our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. They teach us to love all unconditionally, work tirelessly for social justice and equity, and serve with a profound love of God and our neighbors.

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet released a statement much more eloquent than any words I could find. Their spirit is our spirit, and I share their words with you. I join with them, and with all of you, on renewing our work in anti-racism, civil dialogue, and community building at Saint Rose, and in our nation.

Sisters of St. Joseph Condemn the Violence at the Capitol

“The U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph condemns the violence at the U.S. Capitol yesterday. As members of the Federation, we join them in this public statement.

The U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph joins with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in praying for peace after witnessing the violence and terrorism yesterday in our nation’s Capitol. We are deeply concerned about the state of our country and the future of our democracy. Our hearts ached as we watched white nationalists participate in these despicable actions that threaten not only to destroy our government but to rend the bonds that unite us.

We commend and thank the members of Congress and staff who courageously continued their service to the nation last night even amid the chaos, as well as the law enforcement who helped protect and secure the building so the members could resume their responsibilities.

In our increasingly divided nation, we are saddened but not surprised by the predictable outcome of yesterday’s events. The Federation renews our Gospel Charism and commitment to being a unifying presence in the world through appreciation of diversity, transformation, and healing.

At this time, we feel each of us are asked to pause, reflect, and grapple with the history and legacy that brought us to this historic moment of white domestic terrorists attempting to take over our legislative branch.

As Christians, we cannot ignore the images of the cross and flags bearing Jesus’ name that peppered yesterday’s scene. We cannot ignore the juxtaposition of the law enforcement response to yesterday’s violence at the Capitol versus the violence inflicted on Black Lives Matter protestors in June.

We invite all people of good will to reflect on the next steps we must take to repair our democracy, eliminate white privilege, and contribute to the work of building a more perfect union.”

– Posted on January 7, 2021, on the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet website

Please join us on January 15 at noon for a community conversation focused on the recent events. Yolanda Caldwell, Chief Diversity Officer, will send out the zoom link to this meeting as well as more information.

In thy light, we shall see light,
