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Part of the Golden Knights 2011 national champion women's soccer team, Jessica Gerski '13 was coached to take on big challenges. Now, she has carried that attitude into the sports industry, working as a coordinator with the nation's leading and fastest-growing lacrosse services company.

Jessica Gerski, Saint Rose alum and former women's soccer player
Jessica Gerski ’13
B.A. in Communications
Golden Knights women’s soccer (2011 NCAA Division II National Champions)

Hometown: Harbor City, California
Now lives in: Boston, Massachusetts
Career: Coordinator, 3D Lacrosse, the nation’s leading and fastest-growing lacrosse services company

How did your experience as a Golden Knight shape you?
“My experience as a Golden Knight definitely inspired me to work in the sports industry. My professor, Rosemary Sheridan, really had an impact on me throughout my time at Saint Rose, and I have carried her teachings into my career. The lessons I learned from my coaches, Laurie (Darling Gutheil) and Jason (Gutheil), I have also carried into my career in sports. The sports industry is incredibly challenging and Rosemary, Laurie, and Jason prepared me for the challenges I would face.”

By Irene Kim

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