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Brandon Birchak '08 had to train hard to become Saint Rose's first-ever NCAA champion. He uses those diving skills – and dedication to training – today as an acrobat with Cirque du Soleil.

Brandon Birchak, Saint Rose alum, national champion diver, member of Cirque du SoleilBrandon Birchak ’08
B.A. in English
Golden Knights men’s diving; two-time national NCAA Division II champion, 2008 NCAA Diver of the Year, Athletics Hall of Fame inductee

Hometown: Latham, New York
Now lives in: Las Vegas, Nevada
Career: Acrobat, actor, Cirque du Soleil “O”

How did your experience as a Golden Knight shape you?

“Athletics play a vital role in my life and will always continue to. As a veteran performer and acrobat with Cirque du Soleil, I take my training very seriously. My job is very demanding, very dangerous, and very rewarding. I am constantly improving and honing my strategies as a student of fitness and professional athletics. Saint Rose gave me a strong foundation to build this career on.”

By Irene Kim

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