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John Braun

John Braun ‘20, G’21, is all about numbers. He received a finance degree in his undergrad education, and went on to receive his master’s in business analytics a year later. His favorite class was Data Visualization, because he was able to use tools that the pros use in their careers. A student-athlete at Saint Rose, Braun played the sport that is dominated by statistics: baseball.

We recently caught up with Braun to ask about his Saint Rose experience and future plans. Here’s what he had to say:

List any clubs/organizations you joined while at Saint Rose:
I’ve been on the baseball team my entire time at Saint Rose and was part of the Student Athletic-Advisory Committee for one year.

What did you like best about your program?
I like that the class sizes are not too big, which allows for more interaction and a greater connection with your classmates and professors.

Did you participate in any internships? If so, what was that experience like?
I interned at Cetera Investors. It was the first time the company’s internship program was completely remote due to COVID-19. I learned a lot about financial planning strategies, and I built practical knowledge on financial services concepts.

What is your favorite memory of Saint Rose?
My favorite memory is meeting new people and creating friendships that will last a lifetime.

What have you learned throughout the pandemic?
To never take life for granted and to cherish time with my family and friends.

What is the best class you took at Saint Rose and why?
Data Visualization. It’s a unique class that introduces the best ways of visualizing data so that business users can understand it and act upon the information with clarity and ease. I enjoyed exploring the visualization tool called Tableau and plan to use it as part of my skillset going forward.

What are your future plans?
I plan on getting a data analyst intern position for this upcoming summer. My goal is to continue learning more about analytics and to find a position within the industry that I am passionate about.

What did Saint Rose teach you?
Saint Rose has taught me time management skills, how to be a leader, and how to be professional.

Who was your best professor and why?
Dr. Dandan Wu, assistant professor of finance, because of how much she cares for her students. She is always available to help anyone at any time and wants all of her students to succeed no matter what.

Advice for incoming students:
Make the most of your time here because it flies by. Always be willing to learn more and meet new people.

Look for more stories about our Class of 2021 and Class of 2020 graduates in our upcoming Saint Rose Magazine.

By Caroline Murray

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