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Endowed Fund Management

Endowed funds are governed by the guidelines of the College’s Gift Acceptance Policy. The Board of Trustees of the College shall maintain, manage, invest, and reinvest the assets contributed to and held for permanent, endowed funds as part of the College’s pooled endowment investments in accordance with the College’s Investment Policy Statement. Separate accounting records shall be maintained to identify the portion of the College’s pooled endowment investments attributed to endowed funds. The Investment Policy Statement is subject to review, and may be amended by the Investment Committee of the College’s Board of Trustees.

An annual Stewardship Report reflecting donations, performance, and disbursements of endowed funds shall be provided to the donor or appointed representative. Income attributed to the endowed fund shall be spent at an amount and at a rate calculated in accordance with the College’s Investment Policy Statement. Further, many donors have the opportunity to see the impact of their investment through correspondence and meeting with the students and faculty directly benefiting from it.