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Options for Funding Endowments

  • One-time payment in cash or appreciated securities
    If giving appreciated securities, a charitable deduction equal to the full market value of the asset is attained and capital gains tax may be avoided.
  • Pledge a gift payable over five years
    Payments may be spread over a term of up to five years. Some donors elect to make an additional gift in conjunction with their yearly endowment pledge payment to start the award, scholarship, or fellowship. The donors see the benefits of their gifts sooner, while the corpus is building.
  • Deferred Planned Gifts
    You might elect to fund your named endowment through a gift by bequest, trust, or other deferred gift. In general, a deferred gift to an endowment fund must be irrevocable and have a present value equal to the minimum amount required for the particular fund.

An endowment gift to Saint Rose is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult with your professional advisor regarding your charitable gift plans.